Calculate the CO2 emissions produced during your event, it’s now possible

Belinda Haas
Belinda Haas

The SwissTech Convention Center now offers all its clients the possibility to calculate and offset the carbon emissions of their events.

After several months of work, the SwissTech Convention Center is proud to have taken another step towards sustainability. Indeed, clients who wish to do so can now calculate and offset the emissions produced during their event.

The myclimate foundation has developed a new tool especially for the SwissTech Convention Center to accurately calculate the greenhouse gas emissions produced by an event. The myclimate Foundation, Switzerland’s leading climate protection organization, has defined the parameters necessary for this calculation, such as

  • the number of participants at the event (joining in person or remotely)
  • the number of days
  • the space used
  • transportation of participants and materials
  • accommodation, catering and materials used

The aim is then to financially support the implementation of climate protection projects in Switzerland and/or abroad. A climate neutral event certificate with a tracking number is provided.

This is an important step in SwissTech’s commitment to deliver 100% climate neutral events by 2050.

In April 2022, Applied Machine Learning Days 2022 was the first event to have offset its emissions and thus become climate neutral.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact